The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma
Diocese Employs Blackbaud Solutions to Better Guide Frontline Fundraisers

The use of ResearchPoint and how it integrates with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT really empowers us to get a better relationship with our constituents that leads to more impactful giving in our community.”
The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma serves the entire state, with over 60 congregations and 25,000 baptized members. Fueled by a mission of transforming lives in the love of Jesus Christ, the diocese leverages Blackbaud solutions to streamline daily operations to understand more about constituents and make the greatest impact on giving.
The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma ministers to its churches and communities in transformational ways, including disaster preparedness and recovery, prison ministries, youth camps, and Christian formation.
To maximize giving, The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma must know its people. The diocese has used Blackbaud solutions to understand constituents since 2013 and, in recent years, has found even greater success and efficiency by transitioning to Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® and Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® for fundraising and fund accounting. “Being a frontline fundraiser, it really has made a difference in my job,” said Tyler Davis, director of stewardship and development.
Increasing Efficiencies with Real-Time Data
Blackbaud solutions help to streamline the fundraising team’s day-to-day responsibilities and keep everyone on the same page with live data that they can also access through their mobile devices.
“Being out in the field and being able pull up a constituent’s information on the fly and always having it on my phone makes the appointments go a lot smoother,” Davis said. “It also ensures that we reach our constituents where they are, and we get more impactful giving because we know more about them.”
Fundraisers see the benefits of working out of one system. “It also ensures that we have accurate information going to all our staff, and no one is working off Excel spreadsheets,” he added. “They all have live data that everyone can see.”
donor acquisition rate
recapture rate
donor retention rate
Analytics that Empower Growth
The analytics built into Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT, in combination with
ResearchPoint—which provides comprehensive individual wealth and philanthropic insights—have helped their organization attract new donors and build deeper relationships with constituents.
The results: a 40% donor acquisition rate, an 18% recapture rate, and a 62%
donor retention rate. “The use of ResearchPoint and how it integrates with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT really empowers us to build a better relationship with our constituents, which leads to more impactful giving in our community,” Davis said. “We have been thrilled with the analytics we have received in Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT. We can see our metrics in real-time.”
With those metrics, the diocese can see how they are performing compared
to similar organizations, and the results have been more than encouraging.
“When we are looking at our benchmarking for a small religious organization
with less than a million in revenue contributions, we’re constantly in the great
category,” Davis said, “which—for us—is incredible.”
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